Ordering via GO (In Stock Items)

Forming a group order is a great way to save on shipping, given how crazy shipping internationally has gotten these days. By experience, it works best for preorders since GOs order by demand and preorders allow for higher quantities. They are able to secure items this way as well.

However, it can be a bit tricky when it comes to in stock items, especially ones with limited stocks. A GO hosting a number of people may potentially wipe out the inventory of an item, leaving none for others who are ordering solo. That said, ordering in stock items via GO from my shop will be a little different.

Participants of a GO must check out individually using a discount code specific to the GO you're joining (your GOM should have already contacted me for this code). This is to give everyone a fair chance to be able to get the items they want.

However, please consider before joining a GO that not all participants will be able to check out sucessfully given the limited number of stocks. As much as I would like to be able to accommodate everyone, this is a possibility regardless.

Once shop has closed, I will tally and combine all orders using the same code and send an invoice to your GOM for the international shipping fee (ISF), which your GOM will split between participants.

Strictly NO CODE = NO GO, even if it's on the order summary but placed in the wrong field. No exceptions.

If you are not part of a GO but suddenly decide to join one after, please let me know ASAP so I can verify with the GOM and adjust your payment.